8 Simple YouTube SEO Tips to Rank Your Videos Higher in Search

youtube is the popular social media platform with which you can do it very easily but success in youtube is not so easy you need to follow some rules you need to su your youtube video otherwise you will not be able to rise up in today’s article i will tell you Let’s start by sharing how you can make YouTube videos very easily without wasting any time

Pick your keywords wisely

Before you make a video you must use your key ort you need to recharge your keywords for this you can take help of different keyword mistakes which can help you to research someone very easily these days there are many online because if you don’t do keywords you won’t understand that You need to edit the keyword and save the QR code for that monthly monthly result.

Use keywords in your video title

After you do, you need to input the keyword into the video. You can choose different types of keywords, but whoever you play, you can search on google and see what the suggestions are.

Optimize your YouTube video description

Now the task is to give you a nice description you can give some of your tags or if you want you can use hashtag or else you can say few lines about your video and another tip you can share your different video links in description but I I will share with you, don’t give more videos, Google will catch spamming, I hope you understand, keep reading, I will share more.

Use video hashtags to drive YouTube search results

Now your task is that you use Hastag Hashtag is very important as a medium to rank YouTube videos, you don’t have to do much, you can share few hashtags as you like, you can use hashtag under video title or If you want, you can’t describe it, use YouTube to catch it on YouTube. I hope you don’t understand. If you don’t understand, please comment.

Select a video category

Now the task is to select the video category. It is very important. You can select the video category according to your subject. There are many types of categories. Animal video and payment. There are many more. You can select it according to your category. Don’t do it because someone suggests it

Customize your thumbnail image

Customize Your Thumbnail Image Nicely This Customize Your Thumbnail Image Nicely It Acts As An Important Medium To Ran Your Video So Customize The Thumbnail Nicely Many People Click Videos By Watching Beautiful Thumbnail Thumbnail Acts As An Important Medium I Think It Is The Most One important thing so do it carefully

Add subtitles and closed captions

This is my final suggestion for you, if you add subtitles or post captions to your video, visitors from outside your country will understand your site even if they don’t understand it, so I think subtitling is an important thing.

Thank you so much for you time I hope you understand that if you have any problem then I want below I will try to understand you thank you so much 

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