What is Whois Lookup? How to use this robust tool and perform scan easily in 2024

Hey awesome hackers! Ready to learn about Whois Lookup? Today, we’re diving straight into practical commands. No boring theory, just the good stuff. Let’s get started

Understanding Whois Lookup:
Whois Lookup helps you gather information about a website. It tells you who owns the website, when the domain expires, and more. Let’s jump into action!

Basic Whois Lookup Command:
First, open your terminal. If you’re on Windows, use Command Prompt or PowerShell. For Linux users, find your terminal. Now, for a basic lookup, type:

whois example.com

Boom! You’ve got tons of info about ‘example.com’. Registrars, dates – it’s like magic!

Filter Owner Details:
Want only the owner’s email and name? Use this trick:

whois example.com | grep -E -i "Registrant Email|Registrant Name"

Now you know who’s behind the scenes.

Whois Guard Check:
Wondering if they’ve got a Whois Guard (it hides whois lookups)? Find out:

whois example.com | grep -i "whois guard"

If it’s there, their details are private and protected.

Checking Name Servers:
Curious about their hosting? Peek at the name servers:

whois example.com | grep -i "Name Server"

Now you know where the website is hosted.

Check for DNSSEC:
Want to know if they’ve got extra security? Check for DNSSEC:

whois example.com | grep -i "DNSSEC"

DNSSEC is like an extra lock on websites – a sign they take security seriously.

Saving Your Findings:
Don’t forget to save your results:

whois example.com > whois_results.txt

Now, you’ve got all your info stored neatly in a text file for later use.

Congratulations! You’ve learned about Whois Lookup through hands-on hacking. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

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